After another Garden Party in the Prebendal, the Home of Robin Gibb, I wanted to give something back to the family especially to Dwina.
I brought my music equipment with me and set myself up in the Refectory next to Robins white grand piano and played `To Love Somebody` on my guitar, accompanied by a backing track I recorded the evening before at home. To Love Somebody is one of my favorite songs from the Bee Gees and I sung it to Dwina, who was sitting in front of me. Dwina and R.J. liked it so I was pleased.
Dwina asked me straight away what kind of music I am making and I performed another song which I had with me, a demo version of ´Don´t let me go`. I was pleased to sing it and I felt excited that Dwina was singing along silently moving her lips to the words, not knowing the lyrics before. Currently the song is completed and the arrangement needs to be done and I hope to release it in the near future.
I felt privileged to be present and sing in the place where Robin used to play and compose.
Special thanks to Roger Findlay and Yvonne Hume for taking some photographs.